Apollo II High Back Multifunction Chair is made with a breathable, mesh back to increase airflow and maximize comfort for all-day sitting. Ratchet back adjusts up or down relative to the seat for personalized lumbar support and comfort. Tilt-tension control with tilt lock allows you to adjust the recline rate based on your weight. Center tilt with adjustable tension gives you the ability to rock. Back-angle adjustment sets the back angle for personalized comfort in a reclined position. Seat-height adjustment allows you to set the height to the desired position relative to the floor. Fabric, waterfall seat slopes to reduce pressure on the back of your knees for extra comfort. Forward seat tilt changes the angle of the seat to enable proper ergonomic posture while using a computer keyboard. Arm-height and arm-width adjustments permit you to move the arms up or down and in or out for proper positioning.